About Valkyrie Robot
The Valkyrie robotic platform was originally designed and built in 2013 to carry out search and rescue missions inline with the DARPA Robotics Challenge. After a series of electro-mechanical upgrades and a software partnership with IHMC, the Valkyrie platform is now a core robotic platform in the NASA Space Robotics Challenge.
The Valkyrie robot measures about 6 feet in height and weighs 290 pounds. Valkyrie is a 32 degree of freedom (DOF) walking robot featuring two 6 DOF legs, two 7 DOF arms, a 3 DOF neck, and a 3 DOF waist. Valkyrie utilizes the MultiSense SL in its head, anterior hazard cameras, multiple LORD MicroStrain IMU sensors, and ATI Multi-Axis Force/Torque sensors.
Space Robotics Challenge
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